Learn to manage the software asset life cycle from planning to disposal. This three-day training course aims to introduce you to the ServiceNow® Software Asset Management Professional product and familiarize you with techniques and best practices for creating and managing software assets throughout their lifecycle. The session format will alternate between discussions and labs giving you an opportunity to explore the application and apply the concepts learned. Software Asset Management (SAM) is a company's strategy for managing software license use rights to maintain software compliance to publisher contractual obligations. The Software Asset Management Professional product facilitates the tracking, evaluation, and management of software license rights, compliance, and optimization. Working in conjunction with other ServiceNow platform products, software license rights can be requested, procured, managed to software contracts, allocated to users or devices, and reclaimed. Software installations can be discovered, normalized, and reconciled to software products, models, entitlements and allocations to quickly identify the software license position.Virtueel en Klassikaal™ Virtueel en Klassikaal™ is een eenvoudig leerconcept en biedt een flexibele oplossing voor het volgen van een klassikale training. Met Virtueel en Klassikaal™ kunt u zelf beslissen of u een klassikale training virtueel (vanuit huis of kantoor )of fysiek op locatie wilt volgen. De keuze is aan u! Cursisten die virtueel deelnemen aan de training ontvangen voor aanvang van de training alle benodigde informatie om de training te kunnen volgen.