Master the setup, configuration, and use of the ServiceNow® Asset Management and Hardware Asset Management (HAM) applications. This three-day training course aims to introduce you to the ServiceNow® Asset Management and Hardware Asset Management (HAM) products and familiarize you with techniques and best practices for creating and managing hardware assets and consumables throughout their lifecycle. The session format will alternate between discussions and labs giving you an opportunity to explore the application and apply the concepts learned. Setting up an effective hardware asset management (HAM) practice includes key milestones: -Planning a design, -Identifying the information required, -Deciding how that information can be obtained, -Determining what the asset processes should look like, -Establishing how the technology can support those items. Most successful HAM programs involve a variety of people and departments, including IT, finance, services, and end users. Investing time and careful consideration to build out the HAM practice produces a higher quality outcome. Asset management and configuration management are related but have different goals. Asset management focuses on the financial tracking of company property. Configuration management focuses on building and maintaining elements and relationships that create an available network of services. Although this course will discuss the configuration management database (CMDB), the focus is on asset management.Virtueel en Klassikaal™ Virtueel en Klassikaal™ is een eenvoudig leerconcept en biedt een flexibele oplossing voor het volgen van een klassikale training. Met Virtueel en Klassikaal™ kunt u zelf beslissen of u een klassikale training virtueel (vanuit huis of kantoor )of fysiek op locatie wilt volgen. De keuze is aan u! Cursisten die virtueel deelnemen aan de training ontvangen voor aanvang van de training alle benodigde informatie om de training te kunnen volgen.